
Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Essential Nutrients

According WHO, Western pacific region "Health Situation and Trend Report on Malaysia, 2005, 90% of Malaysians are lacking key nutrients in their diet. Whether you’re trying to lose weightget in shape or just live a healthier life, eating healthy provides a variety of benefits.

There are 10 benefits of eating healthy
1. You’ll be more productive
Just like your car, your brain needs quality fuel to run efficiently. One study found that eating unhealthy foods puts you at a 66% increased risk of productivity loss. Eating a healthy, balanced diet to make sure your brain has the fuel it needs means more energy and increased productivity at work.
 2. You’ll be happier
What we eat has an impact on our brains. Did you know bananas contain 10 milligrams of dopamine, a chief mood booster in the brain? Dark chocolate, packed with polyphenol, is also known to boost serotonin, a neurotransmitter that many antidepressants also target. You should see a doctor if you’re seriously concerned about your moods, but for the rare gloomy day, try a dark chocolate-covered banana.
 3. You’ll be less stressed
Certain foods have the ability to moderate our body’s level of cortisol, the stress hormone. Some studies have found that foods packed with vitamin Comega-3 fatty acids and magnesium help reduce cortisol levels. When the body is in a chronic state of stress, it breaks down protein to prepare for battle. Eating a protein-rich diet, including fish and dairy, can help replenish protein stores and keep cortisol levels at bay.
 4. You’ll control your weight
Simple healthy choices such as replacing soda with water, choosing carrots instead of chips, and ordering a side salad in place of fries not only will help you lose weight, it also can help you save money. 
5. You’ll eat less
When it comes to eating healthier, quality trumps quantity. Fresh foods contain fewer low-nutrient fillers that the body burns through quickly. If you are buying and eating less food, then you will have more money in your pocket.
6. You’ll think it tastes better
Who would trade their Big Mac for a beet burger? Although taste is subjective, healthy food can taste delicious if it’s prepared well. One study showed that people perceive healthy food as tasting better even if it doesn’t. In a blind taste test, participants said organic coffee tasted better than regular coffee, even though the two cups were the same. So perhaps the beet burger is better after all — even if it’s only in your head.
 7. You’ll age better
Why pay for expensive and painful Botox procedures when you can improve your skin through your diet? Fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants can help protect your skin. The antioxidants in fresh berries and salmon’s omega-3 fatty acids both help improve the health of your skin’s cells and slow premature aging.
8. You’ll be healthier
Unhealthy eating — especially over the long term — can be a risk factor for chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. If you miss out on too much of the protein, vitamins and minerals that your body needs, your muscle mass will decrease as your fat stores increase. Some estimates say at least 30% of cancers are linked to poor diet. One study of over 6,000 women found that those who ate the most cabbage, turnips, broccoli, cauliflower and kale had a lower risk of developing breast cancer after menopause.
9. You’ll live longer
Healthy eating can help you avoid diseases that may lower your life expectancy. One study showed that a diet of fruit and vegetables, in combination with exercise, extended life expectancy for women in their 70s. Elsewhere, researchers reviewed a group of studies that suggest vegetarian or low-meat diets could help you live a longer life. And another study points to nuts as a way to reduce your risk of early death. No matter how you cut it, a healthy diet can play an important role in how long you’ll live.
10. You’ll save money
Many of the benefits of healthy eating contribute to potential savings. If you stay healthy, you’ll have fewer medical bills to pay and by cutting back on food, you’ll eat less and have fewer groceries to purchase. Save your body and your wallet and eat your greens today.

Essential Nutrients Package is a nutrient package that to fill your nutrients gap. It's consist of multivitamin and multimineral, Vitalea, high protein source, ESP Energizing Soy Protein and Omega-3 fatty acid from Omega Guard

The Perfect Multivitamin
Delivers 100% or more of the Daily Value of all vitamins,including twice the Daily Value of vitamins C,D and E - plus more betacarotene for increased antioxidant protection With a patented microcoating system to enhance absorption of folic acid

Provides heart-healthy soy protein
Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein is low-fat, non-GMO protein that contains all nine essential amino acids. Provides 14g of heart-healthy soy protein and only 1g fat.
Mix 3 tablespoons of Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein with a glass of milk, juice, water, or your favorite beverage. Optional: add fruit and blend.

OmegaGuard helps reduce the risk of heart disease by providing a full spectrum of seven ultra-pure, pharmaceutical-grade omega-3 essential fatty acids, naturally found in small, cold-water fish, and delivers more EPA and DHA than other brands. Smaller size for easier swallowing.
  • Helps maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular system‡
  • Helps retain healthy triglyceride levels‡
‡ Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA fatty acids may reduce the risk of heart disease. See nutrition information for total fat and saturated fat content.

Adults and teen take 3 softgels once or twice daily with meals, or as advised by a physician.

To purchase this set, CLICK HERE
* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Noriah | 0129817976 | SID 893270 | Sweet Luna Healthy

Omega Guard : World Finest Fish Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of polyunsaturated fats found in a wide variety of foods, most famously in fish. Because of recent research suggesting potential cardiovascular prevention and other health benefits, omega-3 fatty acids are currently a hot topic in nutrition research.

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)

A large amount of ALA is sometimes used strictly for energy purposes. Our bodies can take ALA and use it to produce energy for our cells. In some situations, most of the ALA that we consume will get used in this way. ALA is also the primary building block for EPA and DHA. It's difficult to overstate the importance of ALA in this regard. Our immune, inflammatory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems simply cannot function correctly without sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA. When we don't have enough ALA, we don't have enough EPA and DHA (unless we've eaten foods that contain them). So ALA has a critical role to play in the health of many body systems as the key building block for EPA and DHA. There are basically two important metabolic roles for dietary ALA. The first is the breakdown of ALA to be used as an energy source. As much as 85% of dietary ALA is broken down to be used as an energy source.
The other major role for ALA is to be elongated to the related omega-3 fats EPA and DHA. The efficiency of this process will be discussed in more detail below.

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)

Proper function of our inflammatory system depends on the presence of messaging molecules called prostaglandins. Many of these prostaglandins are made directly from EPA. Equally important, most of the prostaglandins made from EPA tend to be anti-inflammatory in their effect. Therefore, your risk of excessive inflammation and inflammation-related disease can be lowered through consumption of foods rich in EPA.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

Proper function of our nervous system—including our brain—depends on the presence of DHA. DHA is particularly important to brain function. Our brain is 60% fat by weight, and DHA makes up an average of 15 to 20% of all fat in our brain. If we tie these two facts together, we arrive at the following conclusion: DHA accounts for 9-12% of our brain's total weight! Drops in brain DHA levels are known to associate with cognitive impairment or slower neurological development in children. Nervous system deficiencies of DHA have been associated with a wide variety of problems, including neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's disease; cognitive problems including reasoning ability in children; and severity of multiple sclerosis.

Shaklee Difference:

Shaklee Omega Guard is extracted from cold water deep sea fish (sardines, mackerel, herring, anchovies) along the coast of Japan, not from fish liver oil (excessive intake of fish liver oil will cause toxic), Shaklee fish oil is 3 times more density than cod liver oil, it is the source of the most natural healthy EPA, DHA, ALA. Comparing with Omega-3 products in the market, Shaklee’s Omega Guard contains all 7 types of Omega-3, with the highest proportion in DHA. One serving of omega guard provides 905mg of EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids.
Most manufacturers use high pressure distillation method to extract fish oil, however this method not only destroy some of the nutrient, it is also not able to filter heavy metal content. Shaklee employ ultrapure pharmaceutical grade latest technology – triple molecule filtration and low pressure distillation process to extract the purest and most natural Omega-3 fish oil, any contaminants which include lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, dioxins and PCDs are removed.
Key Benefits:
#Essential fatty acides – Omega-3 is essential fatty acid which cannot be produced by our body, therefore we must take from food. Plant base Omega-3 cannot be converted into EPA and DHA effectively by our body. Omega-3 helps the secretion of prostaglandin more effectively in preventing prostatomegaly and urination problems arising from andrepause. It also balances the changes in women’s hormones concentration that cause PMS, for smooth and ruddy skin complexion.
#Prevents bloods vessel disease and stroke – DHA and EPA can resist thrombosis, lower high blood pressure and blood concentration, loosen and smooth blood vessel, silky smooth blood circulation, therefore it is effective to improve high blood pressure and stiff neck or headache. It also lower cholesterol, suppresses harmful blood clot in the body, lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, control obesity conditions and prevents arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction, heart disease and stroke.
#Helps the development of foetus brain and improves memory – DHA is the main nutrient for brain it is crucial in the last 3 months development of foetus brain, nervous system and retina. Breast milk contain generous amount of DHA. DHA improves memory and learning ability, prevents Alzheimer’s disease, improves vision, hearing sense and prevents migraine.
#Enhances immune system and nourishes lungs – Regulates immune system, for instance, improves skin allergies, psoriasis, hay fever, bronchitis, asthma, hepatitis, lupus erythematosus and kidney disease.
#Resists cancer – Studies have shown that Omega-3 can prevent cancer of lung, breast, prostate, colon. Additionally, it improve enterogastritis, stimulates post surgery liver and pancreas functions of cancer patients
#Improves arthritis – Fatty acids in Omega-3 dissolve into cartilage tissue, this is to prevent the destruction of enzymes that form cartilage tissue. It prevents and improves arthritis, join pains, gout effectively.
#Improves insomnia and stress – It has been proven that EPA and DHA has the ability to stabilise emotions and improves mental health, which include depression, stress, anxiety, neurasthenia, insomnia, autism, hyperactivity of children and schizophrenia.
American Public Health Association recommends eating at least the size of a deck of poker cards of deep sea water fish twice a week which contain unsaturated fatty acid Omega-3. This helps to reduce heart disease by 44%
Why cold water sea fish?
In the 1970s, a Nobel Prize Winner American scientist discovered a secret: Eskimos living in different environment did have different health conditions.
Eskimos living in Greenland of Denmark catch fish for a living: coronary heart disease is almost none, no asthma, psoriasis, high blood pressure, diabetes. However, Eskimos living North America are hunters and meat are their main food; the high cholesterol diet has caused a lot of coronary heart disease.
Further research discovered the truth about cold water fish: Sea water fish highly contain unsaturated fatty acids i.e. EPA and DHA that can lower blood fats, suppress the accumulation of blood platelet and delay the formation of thrombus, treat asthma and skin allergies effectively.
Burping fishy smell?
Small number of people will burp with fishy smell after taking fish oil, recommend to consume the fish oil before meal or on empty stomach.
Who should not take fish oil?
Fish oil lubricates the blood vessel which will thin the blood for smooth blood flow and delay the thickening of food. Therefore, patients going for surgery and pregnant women going to labour are not recommended to consume fish oil.
For health maintenance: 2 times a day, 2 to 4 capsule each time (before or after meal)
For bone ache, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, insomnia: 2 times a day, 2 capsules each time
To purchase this product, CLICK HERE
Noriah | 0129817976 | SID 893270 | Sweet Luna Healthy

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Facts About Alfalfa. Let's Read It!

Alfalfa(Medicago sativa)also called Lucerne, is naturally high in many essential vitamins and minerals, including A, D, E, K, and even the full family of B vitamins; biotin, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium and many others, as well as being very high in protein, especially when dried. It is "The king of all foods"!

1️ - Alfalfa is one of the most nutritionally rich foods you'll ever consume.

2️ - Alfalfa contains every amino acid. It's also jammed packed with vitamins, minerals and protein.

3️ - Alfalfa has been used for thousands of years as a healing food. Many people have experienced remission from a wide number of ailments.

4️ - Alfalfa provides the body with an excellent calcium-phosphorus ratio (2:1).

5️ - Alfalfa juice helps to flush toxins out of the body and is a very good source of trace elements such as zinc, selenium, chromium, cobalt, silicon and iodine.

6️ - Alfalfa is excellent for healing the skin and liver. It has been proved very effective as an anti-cancer agent.

Shaklee Difference

One of the first products Dr. Shaklee introduced when he formed the company in 1956 was a tablet made using high-quality alfalfa powder derived from the aerial parts (leaves and stem materials) of mature alfalfa plants. Now called Alfalfa Complex, to recognize that there are multiple nutrients in alfalfa, it continues to be one of our most popular original products. Shaklee uses only alfalfa grown in California, ensuring a wide range of nutrients, including calcium, phosphorous, iron, and magnesium, as well as chlorophyll, bioflavonoids, trace minerals, and vitamins.
  • Natural source of alfalfa
  • Each serving provides 300mg of calcium, about as much as in a glass of milk
Daily Dosage
When alfalfa has been used traditionally in herbal medicine, the daily dosage has been 9 grams to 30 g of dried aerial parts. Since each Shaklee Alfalfa Complex tablet contains 300 mg of alfalfa powder, you would need 30 tablets to achieve a 9 g per day dose. Our labels, therefore, recommend taking 10 tablets three times a day. But feel free to consult a health care practitioner if you wish to take a different dosage (larger or smaller to suit your needs).
Cautions and Warnings
Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are taking blood thinners. Alfalfa naturally contains vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin that’s able to “thicken” your blood. Each Alfalfa Complex tablet contains about 5 mcg of vitamin K, so if you were to take 30 tablets per day, this would be 150 mcg of vitamin K, which could possibly interfere with any blood-thinning medication you might be taking. By letting your health care practitioner know how much alfalfa you’re taking, he or she will be able to adjust your dosage of blood-thinning medication accordingly.
Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are undergoing hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or taking birth control medication. Specific compounds in alfalfa, such as coumestrol, may act like estrogen in the body. When taken at the same time as HRT or oral contraceptives, alfalfa might interfere with the way the body uses the drugs. As a result, HRT or oral contraceptives may not be as effective as intended, some women may experience increased side effects, and the risk of an unintended pregnancy may be very slightly higher.
Do not use if you have a history of systemic lupus erythematosus. In studies, laboratory monkeys that regularly ate alfalfa seeds developed a condition resembling systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). A few case reports of lupus-like symptoms in humans who ate alfalfa tablets have also been published and are attributed to a naturally occurring compound called L-canavanine, found primarily in alfalfa seeds and sprouts, and possibly in trace amounts in the aerial parts of mature plants. As a result, persons with SLE are advised not to use alfalfa products.
Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. This is a general statement required for most natural health products sold in Canada, and exists because clinical studies to assess the safety of most herbal ingredients have not been performed on women who are either pregnant or breastfeeding. To remain on the safe side, don’t use Alfalfa Complex while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Shaklee Alfalfa Complex tablets contain premium, chemical-free alfalfa (Medicago sativa) leaf and stem powder, and are flavoured with natural spearmint (Mentha spicata) leaf oil.
To buy alfalfa, click here

Noriah | 012.981.7976 | SID 893270 | Sweet Luna Healthy